West Michigan Soaring Society

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Monthly Archives: January 2014

Snow Fly 2014

For the 9th year in a row the WMSS has braved the weather to get in some winter flying. This year it was particularly difficult this year with 10 degree temps and 15 mph winds. Tim Gess generously held the event at his home in Clarksville. It was a great time for all and the Chili was excellent and well appreciated. We had a great time and even with the bad weather there was lift was to be found. Here’s who attended from Tim’s email:

Carolyn, Cliff, Kathy, John, Tom, Ben, Nate, Dennis, Richard Alban (from Lansing), and Paul (Tim’s dad) all made for a warm time on a very cold day.

Here’s a video John Winstanley put together (will need Quick Time):

